
June 15th and 16th   sees the return of the County and City Sports to Dangan Sportsground at NUIG, Galway.  Schools from the county region will take part on the first day June 15th. The event is coordinated this year by Lisheenkyle NS and their teacher Mr. Éanna Noone. The event kicks off at 9:30am sharp so please be on time as the races will have to start at the designated time. The events this year include sprints, long distance, and the very exciting relay finals. On the 16th it is the turn of the city sports to take place as Scoil Bhríde, Shantalla coordinate the city event this year. Padraic O Connell is the teacher running the show for the day at the Dangan event. Allianz Cumann na mBunscol are extremely grateful to Eanna, Padraic and all the athletics teachers in the various schools for helping to put on this long standing wonderful athletic tradition in Galway. It’s great to be back in the mix of competitive sports and the very best of luck to all the athletes taking part on Wednesday and Thursday.

Keith Joyce 

Co-ordinator: Fergal O’Mainîn / Aonghus O’Neachtain

Galway County School Sports

Venue: Dangan Sports Complex

Date: 15th June 2022

Time: 9:30am


Éanna Noone, Lisheenkyle NS

Galway City Schhol Sports

Venue: Dangan Sports Complex

Date: 16th June 2020

Time: 9:30am

Co-ordinator: Pádraic O’Connell, Scoil Bhríde, Shantalla